How To Check Your Furnace Gas Valve To Ensure It Is Functioning Properly

19 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If your natural or propane gas furnace won't ignite, then a malfunctioning gas valve may be the cause. Below is how you can check to see if your gas valve is functioning properly: Tools and materials need Electrical multimeter with probe leads Work gloves Nut driver with bits Step-by-step guide 1. Remove the access panel - Before beginning, be sure to wear a pair of sturdy work gloves to protect your hands from possible burns and cuts caused by sharp sheet metal edges. Read More 

Buying A New Furnace For The First Time? 3 Rookie Mistakes To Avoid

16 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

As a homeowner, one of the biggest challenges you can face is knowing when it is time to replace any of your appliances – especially if the unit seems to be working just fine. However, according to Energy Star, if your furnace is 15 years old or older, it is time to seek out a newer, more energy-efficient model. If this is the first time you've ever had to shop around for a new furnace, you might be confused by all the information and models out there. Read More 

2 New Air Conditioning Features Every Homeowner Should Know About (And Which One You Should Avoid)

14 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

The minute your air conditioning system grinds to a halt, you might hop online to start researching all of the latest and greatest HVAC features. Although you might be tempted to order a top-of-the-line appliance that boasts convenient options, some of those features might not be better after all. Here are two new air conditioning features every homeowner should know about and which one you should avoid altogether: 1: Humidity Controls Read More 

Adhere To These Dos And Don’ts Once Cooling Season Arrives

11 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

When the outdoor temperature starts to rise, you know air conditioning season is just around the corner. At this time of year, most homeowners are focusing on operating their air conditioning systems as efficiently as possible and in a way that minimizes damage to the system. You don't have to completely overhaul your system to achieve these goals. Just follow these dos and don'ts. Do: Change your air filter regularly. Read More 

4 Factors People Overestimate When Purchasing A Tankless Water Heater

11 December 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you are considering switching to a tankless water heater, you may start by thinking that a bigger, more powerful heater will be better for your home. However, it is important to get a water heater that suits your home's specific needs. Overestimating your needs can result in higher energy costs, a higher initial cost, and a bigger installation area.  Groundwater or Intake Temperature The groundwater or intake temperature is the temperature at which water enters your plumbing system. Read More